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IMPORTANT Announcements!!!

Dear all,

As some of you already know our group is moving to UCSF in California.
Tomorrow morning Jan 28 2003 the move will start and our servers will be
powered down. The transition will take couple of weeks. Although we are
doing all we can to make modeller_usage list and a web site available during
this downtime, please be patient if you experience technical difficulty
either posting to the list or with browsing MODELLER web site.

Also we are getting near to a release date for MODELLER 7v0. The plan is to
have it out by the end of February, but we also ask you for your
understanding and patience if our move affects this release date. We are now
in alpha phase testing.

Another small detail: our web server has been renamed into: salilab.org, so
to go the the MODELLER web page you type:

And at the end, on a more personal note: I am soon leaving Sali group to
join Rosetta Inpharmatics, Inc., in Seattle WA. I wanted to tell you that it
was my privilege and pleasure to serve you as a 'MODELLER-man', whatever
that might be ;-). I will certainly remain active in this area, so if you
have any questions or problems feel free to drop me a line. Email is the
same: bozidar@salilab.org
Very best,

Bozidar Yerkovich, PhD
Rockefeller University
New York, NY, 10021, USA