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Modelling to multimer

Dear Modellers,

	I have a monomer sequence A1 that is homologous to the monomer
of a multimer structurer B1....BN. I want to build a model of the multimer
B1....BN with modeller. I can think of two ways ot do this:

1. Divide the pdb files of the multimers B1....BN into single pdb files.
Then I build models on A1...AN matched to them. Then I merge the A1...AN
PDB files to get A1...AN.

2. Model A1 against B1. strcuturally align the structure of A1 against

My question: is there any way that I can build the multimer A1...AN
in one step against B1...BN?

Thanks and best wishes,
Richard A. Friedman, PhD
Associate Research Scientist
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
Oncoinformatics Core
Department of Medical Informatics
Box 95, Room 130BB or P&S 1-420C
Columbia University
630 W. 168th St.
New York, NY 10032
(212)305-6901 (5-6901) (voice)

"I wish that all homework was a drawing contest".
-Rose Friedman, age 6