I have a PC program that can be used to model DNA:
For general nucleic acids modeling, take a look at:
Ideal nucleic acids geometries can be found at:
Hope this helps.
On 23 Jul 2003, Andy Torelli wrote:
|>Dear MODELLER Users,
|> I would like to contact anyone who has created or obtained the
|>necessary residue entries (in residue topology file format) that, when
|>added to the top_heav.lib library, enable modeling nucleotides. The
|>copy of top_heav.lib that I have does not have all the nucleotides. I
|>am interested in both the RNA and DNA forms of these molecules.
|> I have looked into creating these entries on my own, but it will take
|>me some time to obtain the software to do so. If anyone has these
|>library entries already, it would save a lot of time.
|>Thank you for your time,
|>-Andy Torelli
|>Ph.D. Student,
|>University of Rochester,
|>Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
| Mensur Dlakic, Ph.D. | Tel: (406) 994-2903 |
| Department of Microbiology | Fax: (406) 994-4926 |
| Montana State University | http://www.umich.edu/~mensur/ |
| 109 Lewis Hall, P.O. Box 173520 | http://myprofile.cos.com/mensur |
| Bozeman, MT 59717-3520 | E-mail: mdlakic@montana.edu |