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Fwd: what is the problem?

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----- Forwarded message from Yang Xiaolin <yangxl@pumc.edu.cn> -----

From: "Yang Xiaolin" <yangxl@pumc.edu.cn>
To: "Modeller Caretaker" <modeller-care@salilab.org>
Subject: what is the problem?
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 01:32:48 +0800
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106


I used the following sentence in a cgi script written by Perl. 
system("mod all.top");
The error information is:

sys_____214E> File probably does not exist.
              Perhaps you have to increase swap space size.
              Filename:  1064585746
              Command :  uname -rnsm > 1064585746
recover____E> ERROR_STATUS >= STOP_ON_ERROR:        1       1

Dynamically allocated memory at          finish [B,kB,MB]:            0       0.000     0.000
Starting time                                            : 2003/09/26  22:15:45.975
Closing time                                             : 2003/09/26  22:15:46.135
Total CPU time [seconds]                                 :       0.07

The command "mod all.top" can run smoothly as command line or the script was not run through web.
How can I resolve this problem?

Thank you !

Sherin Yang

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