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RE: [modeller_usage] Gaps in pdb file



A “/” in the alignment means a chain break for MODELLER. So two chain breaks (in both the template and target sequences) and the requisite number of gaps in the template sequence should work.





Eswar Narayanan, Ph.D

Mission Bay Genentech Hall
600 16th Street, Suite N474Q
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143-2240 (CA 94158 for courier)

Tel +1 (415) 514-4233; Fax +1 (415) 514-4231


-----Original Message-----
From: modeller_usage-bounces@salilab.org [mailto:modeller_usage-bounces@salilab.org] On Behalf Of MacFarlane, Amanda J.
Monday, December 22, 2003 10:38 AM
To: 'modeller_usage@salilab.org'
Subject: [modeller_usage] Gaps in pdb file


Dear Modellers,


I'm relatively new to Modeller, and I have a question which I hope has an easy answer.  Whenever the pdb file for a solved structure has a gap in the residue numbers (so, for instance, it jumps from residue 300 to 315), I get an error saying that the number of residues in the alignment file and the pdb file are different.  How can I fix this problem?




Amanda MacFarlane


Amanda MacFarlane

Autoimmune Disease Group/Diabetes

Ottawa Health Research Institute

Lab N1 Box 221

501 Smyth Road

Ottawa ON K1S 5B7