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[modeller_usage] Restraints Problem

Dear Sir

I recently joined Modeller mailing list and i am also new to
the program.

I am using Modeler as an interface from Insight II. I have
been trying to give my own restraints during the model
generation as a .rsr file. I tried using both the MODELER
FORMAT as well as the USER FORMAT restraint files. The
problem is whenever i submit my job, it does not complete
and gives error in log file one of which is the following:
"Incorrect record identifier in restraint file; card:"

I am attaching my .top file, restraints file and also the
log file here.

Please suggest me to fix this problem. I will be glad.

Akshay Patny

Akshay Patny 
(Graduate Student @ PhD)
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi 
417, Faser Hall, University, MS - 38677
Tel     : 662-915-1286(Off.), 662-236-3059(Res.) 
E-mail : akshaypatny@indiatimes.com, akshay17@olemiss.edu 
Web   : www.olemiss.edu 

Attachment: trial01.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Constraints_USER.rsr
Description: Binary data

Attachment: trial01.top
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Constraints_MODELER.rsr
Description: Binary data