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Re: [modeller_usage] Regarding the running of modeller on SGI machine

Vohra S wrote:


There is a problem regarding the running of the modeller.While running
the script file on the prompt an error is shown and the log file is not
created. I typed the following command on the prompt
mod7 seq_search.top >seq.log01
where mod7 is the alias directed to the executable file

The error at the UNIX prompt is as follows
/usr28/users/gpsaro/modeller7v7/bin/mod7v7[35]: ulimit: exceeds allowable
The log file created is empty
Please can you help me with this

This is a generic Unix error message which means Modeller has requested more resources than are allowed by the operating system. You probably need to increase the system limits. The command "limit" will show you the current limits. You probably need to increase the data, stack, or memory limits (for example, "limit datasize unlimited" will remove the data limit unless the system adminstrator has imposed a smaller limit, in which case you may need to talk to your system administrator).

Eric Bennett, Center for Drug Design, U of Minnesota

Conservative, n.  A statesman who is enamored of existing evils,
as distinguished from the liberal, who wishes to replace them
with others. -Ambrose Bierce