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[modeller_usage] Converting (old) top script to (new) python ones

Hi , i've been using Modeller old versions with the old formet --> TOP.

The new "polished - python" interface looks really promising , but i'm spending now some time to see how to make things work !
I went throught all tutorials , and that is OK ,
but in my present case i want to add DISULFIDE RESTRAINTS and i want to change the default "coordinate-output-names"
so if i understand right i have to NOT use the "automodel" class anymore...

Here starts the trouble !

Also: Before i was doing :
SUBROUTINE ROUTINE = 'special_patches'

now , according to the manual :
# Create the stereochemical restraints
mdl.restraints.make(aln, restraint_type='stereo', spline_on_site=False) "

If i follow those examples in the manual and try to read my alignement to write the correponding model-with patches constraints. i get a completely unfolded, linear protein as a result !
Here's my input :

seq="Criquet"  # my sequence
align="Criquet-1pce-modifiedbyhand.ali"   # my alignement
# Read the sequence, calculate its topology, and coordinates:
aln = alignment(env, file=align, align_codes=(struct))
# Superpose the two template structures without changing the alignment.
# This is for TRANSFER_XYZ to work properly. It relies on not reading
# the atom files again before TRANSFER_XYZ.
# This is for TRANSFER_XYZ to work properly.
# Restore the alignment, and add in the model sequence, 1fas:
aln.append(file=align, align_codes=(struct, seq))
mdl = model(env)
mdl.generate_topology(aln, sequence='Criquet')
mdl.build(initialize_xyz=True, build_method='INTERNAL_COORDINATES')
# Create the disulfide bonds using equivalent disulfide bonds in templates:
# Create the stereochemical restraints
mdl.restraints.make(aln, restraint_type='stereo', spline_on_site=False)
# Calculate energy to test the disulfide restraints (bonds, angles, dihedrals):

Then i got confused:
why i'm not able to reproduce a "simple" top script : read an alignement --> build a model !
with the model() class

Thanks in advance for looking at this

Eric Hajjar
Phd Student in Molecular Modeling
University of Bergen , Computational Biology Unit BCCS/UNIFOB, Bergen, NORWAY
mob:(+47) 98023282