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[modeller_usage] The assessment of protein model with the function in modeller 8.1

Dear modellers (especially Mr. Ben Webb),

I have interest in model assessment method in Modeller 8.1
I would like to evaluate models, which are generated from other modeling program, with the functions in Modeller 8.1
Let's say that I have generated 100 protein models from one template and alignment with other modeling program.
I'd like to sort those models with the assessment method in Modeller 8.1
How can I do the model evaluation (or model sorting)?
As far as I have tried in Modeller8.1, model assessment can be done only if the model is generated by Modeller with the specified "assess_methods".

In short, what I want to know is that how I can call the model assessment function from the outside of the Modeller.

Please give me your advices. Any help will be much appreciated.

Joo-Hyun Seo,

Molecular Biotechnology & Biomaterials Lab.,

School of Chemical Engineering,

Seoul National University


Tel)+82 2 880 7528
Fax)+82 2 874 1206
E-mail) ">seojoohyun@nate.com">01191219079@nate.com

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