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Re: [modeller_usage] A single type of rotamer

You probably need to tune Modeller to set all lysine rotamers to the the straight conformation on the fly, otherwise you may get biased models -especially if the Lys residues are buried within the protein. If this isn't the case and you just want to adjust a few side-chains on the surface then you can use Chimera (read section "Angles, Rotamers and Clashes" http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/UsersGuide/frametut.html). With Chimera you can correct interactively every residue you like and also see what steric clashes or H-bonds are formed by every rotamer. I use it a lot to improve my models or adjust side-chains in the active site.

Otherwise you will need a more drastic solution (not sure if possible), namely tuning Modeller to do that directly. Modeller Caretaker is the designated person to answer that question.


On 10 October 2010 22:39, James Irving <">irving.james@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Omar,

Presumably if you know the rotamer the lysine adopts it is from a solved crystal structure, with good B-factors for the atoms?  Anyway, Coot is a crystallographic model building program that lets you play with rotamers (http://www.biop.ox.ac.uk/coot/).


On 9 October 2010 05:38, Omar Piña <" target="_blank">pibe05@gmail.com> wrote:


I need to model a protein with the lysine all straight (stuck-up?). How can I say to modeller that only create models with the lysine in that form?? This Lysine is known to be like that. Thanks!!


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Dr. James Irving PhD
Research Associate
Cambridge Institute of Medical Research
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building
University of Cambridge
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