Hi Mahesh,
I’m not an expert in modeler. But, I have carried out some modeling in the past with modeller.
You can give different random seed number to get different conformation of your point mutation using the mutate_model.py
for example:
env = environ(rand_seed=-49837) to env = environ(rand_seed=200)
By the way, I dont follow your logic when you say "there is not much variations”. For example, when you make changes to a surface residue you may get different side chain orientation, but if you have a buried residue surround by side chains, I believe you won’t get much changes as well as the size and charge will play a factor here.
All the best,
> On Jun 27, 2016, at 8:08 AM, Mahesh Velusamy <vmahesh@ibab.ac.in> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Since, My main objective is to get a better conformational sample for a
> particular single point mutation, I have generated a 100 number of SPM
> models through automodel but Since, Automodel uses the distance restraints
> from the template target structure alignment there is not much variations
> when comparing with the original structure. So I thought to relax the
> restrains by doing additional optimization on mutated position alone like
> we see in mutate_model.py http://salilab.org/modeller/wiki/Mutate%20model.
> Then, I try to modified the automodel script as same like mutate_model.py
> but I endup in lot of confusions that
> 1.what shoud I keep for :
> #conjugate gradient
> for step in sched:
> step.optimize(atmsel, max_iterations=200, min_atom_shift=0.001
> 2.Whether should I include make restraints function ?
> 3. Is it Ok If I do only optimize and refine step ?
> def optimize(atmsel, sched):
> #conjugate gradient
> for step in sched:
> step.optimize(atmsel, max_iterations=200, min_atom_shift=0.001)
> #md
> refine(atmsel)
> cg = conjugate_gradients()
> cg.optimize(atmsel, max_iterations=200, min_atom_shift=0.001)
> #molecular dynamics
> def refine(atmsel):
> # at T=1000, max_atom_shift for 4fs is cca 0.15 A.
> md = molecular_dynamics(cap_atom_shift=0.39, md_time_step=4.0,
> md_return='FINAL')
> init_vel = True
> for (its, equil, temps) in ((200, 20, (150.0, 250.0, 400.0, 700.0,
> 1000.0)),
> (200, 600,
> (1000.0, 800.0, 600.0, 500.0, 400.0,
> 300.0))):
> for temp in temps:
> md.optimize(atmsel, init_velocities=init_vel, temperature=temp,
> max_iterations=its, equilibrate=equil)
> init_vel = False
> #use homologs and dihedral library for dihedral angle restraints
> def make_restraints(mdl1, aln):
> rsr = mdl1.restraints
> rsr.clear()
> s = selection(mdl1)
> for typ in ('stereo', 'phi-psi_binormal'):
> rsr.make(s, restraint_type=typ, aln=aln, spline_on_site=True)
> for typ in ('omega', 'chi1', 'chi2', 'chi3', 'chi4'):
> rsr.make(s, restraint_type=typ+'_dihedral', spline_range=4.0,
> spline_dx=0.3, spline_min_points = 5, aln=aln,
> spline_on_site=True)
> a = MyModel(env, alnfile=current_file, knowns='3O26', sequence='R1Y',
> assess_methods=(assess.DOPE, assess.GA341))
> a.starting_model = 1
> a.ending_model = 1
> a.make()
> So , Could you guide me on single residue optimization on automodel
> structures ?
> Thanking you in advance
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