Modeller_Usage Mailing List (by thread)
- [modeller_usage] Assistance in practical problem,
alzhare 1985
- [modeller_usage] Modeller 9.16 release,
Modeller Caretaker
- [modeller_usage] homo-dimer problem,
- [modeller_usage] my mail address,
vidya george
- [modeller_usage] 3-10 alpha-helix restraints,
Alexey Orlov
- [modeller_usage] ions and non-standard amino acids problem,
- [modeller_usage] problem with GluP ACe CT3 patch,
Prevost Martine
- [modeller_usage] fwd:problem with GluP ACe CT3 patch,
Prevost Martine
- [modeller_usage] (no subject),
Claire Smathers
- [modeller_usage] [Fwd: How to optimize & refine the conformation of the mutant side chain along with the backbone by using modeller ( ) ?],
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] How to optimize & refine the conformation of the mutant side chain along with the backbone by using modeller ( ) ?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] How to generate a model with double mutant, combination of mutants by using ?],
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] ERROR: CHARMM residue type 'A' unrecognized (in execution),
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] Modelling trans-membrane (TM) regions,
Sushil Mishra
- [modeller_usage] Is it possible to pick all the neigbour residues atoms/residues within mentioned A° of the 'CA' atom is some resudue?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] Need some example and commend arguments for (selection.extend_by_residue()),
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] How to select rigid restraints with certain residues ?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] How to print/write the selected (atoms/residues) from selction?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] Is it possible to rum in multiple nodes ?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] Is it possible to do single residue optimization for automodels ?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] is it possible run MUTATE_MODEL (optimization step alone) in multithreading / Parallel job ?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] Doubts regrading implementing parallel job on optimization step,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] Modeller 9.17 release,
Modeller Caretaker
- [modeller_usage] What is a difference between automodel and loopmodel with respect to refining only part of the model optimization ?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] Why there is a DOPE score decreases when I optimize the selected atoms of automodel?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] parallel modeling _automodel class,
Sajad Ahrari
- [modeller_usage] How to write a dope score for selected region of optimized atoms along with whole model?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] loop modeling and hydrogen atoms,
flavio seixas
- [modeller_usage] Best practices in point mutation,
- [modeller_usage] First time running modeller, multiple errors,
Maryam Faridounnia
- [modeller_usage] Conda package not working on windows (32 bit?) and python 3.5,
Ajasja Ljubetič
- [modeller_usage] Restrain Uses in MODELLER v.91.6,
Sushil Mishra
- [modeller_usage] Unable to run parallel job,
Del Genio, Charo
- [modeller_usage] sequence of salign/align2d,
Evelyne Deplazes
- [modeller_usage] usage of and sequence of commands for salign instead of align2d,
Evelyne Deplazes
- [modeller_usage] Modeller query,
deepak kumar
- [modeller_usage] energy of interface between selections,
David De Sancho
- [modeller_usage] how to make PIR file,
Nikhil Maroli
- [modeller_usage] PDB problem,
deepak kumar
- [modeller_usage] ALIGN CODES NOT FOUND,
Fadhila Balqis N
- [modeller_usage] Including Non-Protein Residue to the Model,
Fadhila Balqis N
- [modeller_usage] Partial structure alignment,
Parker de Waal
- [modeller_usage] my email address,
- [modeller_usage] Issue in selected atoms optimization,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] MUTATE MODEL [OPTIMIZATION],
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] Modeling loop using template from PDB file,
Markus Heller
- [modeller_usage] using crosslinking information as restrain,
- [modeller_usage] Is it possible to control atom movements of specific residue during optimization?,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] ERROR IN MODELS ASSESSMENT,
Mahesh Velusamy
- [modeller_usage] Difference between dynamic_sphere and lennard-jones potential restraints ?,
Mahesh Velusamy
Mahesh Velusamy
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