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Re: [modeller_usage] (no subject)

Ah, ok, makes sense..

Thanks for the exmplanation!


-----Original Message-----
From: Modeller Caretaker [">mailto:modeller-care@salilab.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 12:05 PM
To: Markus Heller
Subject: Re: [modeller_usage] (no subject)

On 9/28/16 10:43 AM, Markus Heller wrote:
> 3.	$ python calc_model.py > console_output.txt

Modeller numbers residues starting from 1; it doesn't reset the counter to 1 at the start of a new chain, so your residues are numbered 1:A through 470:A and 471:B through 940:B (see the .ini file).

If you want to also renumber the residues, use the renumber_residues argument to rename_segments():

	Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
modeller-care@salilab.org             https://salilab.org/modeller/
Modeller mail list: https://salilab.org/mailman/listinfo/modeller_usage