User's Guide
ASGL, Ver 1.3.1 PostScript
ASGL, Ver 1.3.1 PostScript
User's Guide
What is ASGL?
Using ASGL with the TOP steering file
ASGL installation
Using ASGL
ASGL commands
#EPSF -- produce encapsulated PostScript
SET STAMP_TEXT -- stamp the page
READ_TABLE -- read the Table array of data
WRITE_TABLE -- write the Table array of data
READ_DPLOT -- read the Density array of data
WRITE_DPLOT -- write the Density array of data
WORLD -- define the extent of your data
AXES2D -- draw coordinate axes, ticks, and labels
PLOT2D -- draw a 2D line or scatter plot
SPECTRUM -- draw a bar code plot
HIST2D -- draw a 2D histogram
DPLOT -- draw a density plot
CAPTION -- place a caption next to an axis
RESET_CAPTIONS -- reset caption positioning
LINE2D -- draw a line
SET_RECORD -- sets RECORD to selected Table elements
PRINT -- print a text
NEW_PAGE -- start a new page
ARROW -- draw an arrow
POSTSCRIPT -- write a PostScript command
TRANSFORM -- transform Table or Density array data
RESET -- reset TOP
GET_BARS -- calculate histogram bars
GET_DENSITY -- calculate Density plot data
SHUFFLE_DPLOT -- re-organize the Density plot data
DENSITY_TO_XY -- Density to XY data
XY_TO_DENSITY -- XY to density data
LEGEND -- draw a legend
RESET_LEGEND -- reset legend positioning
PLOT_ERROR_BARS -- draw error bars
SELECT_DATA -- select some rows in Table array
SWITCH_PS -- open a new PostScript file
FIT -- non-linear least-squares fit of data
FIT2 -- non-linear least-squares fit of data
SMOOTH_TABLE -- smooth the Table array data
READ_PDB -- read a Brookhaven molecular structure
WRITE_PDB -- write a Brookhaven molecular structure
MAKE_BONDS -- make a list of bonds
LABEL_ATOMS -- label the selected atoms
DEFAULT_ATOM_COLOR -- color all the atoms
SELECT_ATOMS -- select atoms in a molecule
BALL_STICK -- draw a molecule
ROTATE_MOL -- rotate the molecule using rotation matrix
ROTATE_MOL_AXIS -- rotate the molecule around the axis
TRANSLATE_MOL -- translate the molecule
CENTER_MOL -- center the molecule
ASGL examples
Scatter plots --
Labelled scatter plots --
Error bars --
Mixed style plots --
Histograms from raw data --
Multiple histograms --
Y axis on the right --
Stacked histograms --
Spectra plots --
Density plots --
Least-squares fitting --
Protein C plot --
Protein heavy atom plot --
Protein H atom plot --
Protein CB-CB contacts --
Lattice model plot --
ASGL fonts, symbols, line types and standard plot positions
TOP language
The source file
TOP Commands
DEFINE_INTEGER -- define integer variables
DEFINE_LOGICAL -- define logical variables
DEFINE_REAL -- define real variables
DEFINE_STRING -- define string variables
SET -- set variable
OPERATE -- perform mathematic operation
STRING_OPERATE -- perform string operation
RESET -- reset TOP
OPEN -- open input file
WRITE -- write TOP objects
READ -- read record from input file
CLOSE -- close an input file
WRITE_TOP -- write the TOP program
SYSTEM -- execute system command
INQUIRE -- check if file exists
GO_TO -- jump to label
LABEL -- place jump label
INCLUDE -- include TOP file
CALL -- call TOP subroutine
SUBROUTINE -- define TOP subroutine
RETURN -- return from TOP subroutine
END_SUBROUTINE -- end definition of TOP subroutine
DO -- DO loop
IF -- conditional statement for numbers
STRING_IF -- conditional statement for strings
STOP -- exit TOP
Predefined TOP variables
top.ini file
About this document ...
Ben Webb 2003-10-09