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SEQUENCE_TO_ALI -- copy MODEL sequence and coordinates to alignment

ADD_SEQUENCE = <logical:1> off whether to add the new sequences to the existing alignment
ALIGN_CODES = <string:0> 'all' codes of proteins in the alignment
ATOM_FILES = <string:0> '' complete or partial atom filenames
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = <string:1> '' output directory


This command copies the sequence and coordinates of the MODEL to the alignment arrays.

If ADD_SEQUENCE is on the sequence is added to the sequences that are already in the alignment arrays, otherwise it becomes the only sequence in those arrays.

When sequence $i$ is added, the corresponding elements of ALIGN_CODES and ATOM_FILES are used to set the protein and PDB code fields in the alignment file, respectively.

Example: See COMPARE_ALIGNMENTS command.

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Ben Webb 2004-10-04