List of Figures
MODELLER A Program for
MODELLER A Program for
List of Figures
List of Tables
MODELLER bibliography
Bug reports
Method for comparative protein structure modeling by MODELLER
Tutorial on using MODELLER for comparative modeling
Preparing input files
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) and examples
MODELLER updates
Changes since release 8v0
Changes since release 7v7
Changes since release 6v2
Changes between releases 4 and 6v2
Automated comparative modeling with automodel
Simple usage
More advanced usage
Including water molecules, HETATM residues, and hydrogen atoms
Getting a very fast and approximate model
Building an all hydrogen model
Refining only part of the model
Providing your own restraints file
Using your own initial model
Adding additional restraints to the defaults
Fully automated alignment and modeling
Loop optimization
Comparative modeling class reference
automodel reference
automodel() -- prepare to build one or more comparative models
automodel.md_level -- control the model refinement level
automodel.outputs -- all output data for generated models
automodel.rand_method -- control initial model randomization
automodel.generate_method -- control initial model generation
automodel.max_var_iterations -- select length of optimizations
automodel.repeat_optimization -- number of times to repeat optimization
automodel.max_molpdf -- objective function cutoff
automodel.initial_malign3d -- initial template alignment
automodel.starting_model -- first model to build
automodel.ending_model -- last model to build
automodel.final_malign3d -- final template-model alignment
automodel.write_intermediates -- write intermediate files during optimization
automodel.select_atoms() -- select region for optimization
automodel.auto_align() -- generate an automatic initial alignment
automodel.very_fast() -- request rapid optimization
automodel.make() -- build all models
automodel.cluster() -- cluster all built models
automodel.special_restraints() -- add additional restraints
automodel.special_patches() -- add additional patches to the topology
automodel.user_after_single_model() -- analyze or refine each model
allhmodel reference
allhmodel() -- prepare to build all-hydrogen models
loopmodel reference
loopmodel() -- prepare to build models with loop refinement
loopmodel.loop.md_level -- control the loop model refinement level
loopmodel.loop.starting_model -- first loop model to build
loopmodel.loop.ending_model -- last loop model to build
loopmodel.loop.outputs -- all output data for generated loop models
loopmodel.select_loop_atoms() -- select region for loop optimization
MODELLER command reference
Miscellaneous rules and features of MODELLER
Controlling breakpoints and the amount of output
File naming
File types
Key for command descriptions
The environ class: MODELLER environment
environ() -- create a new MODELLER environment -- default input parameters
environ.edat -- default objective function parameters
environ.libs -- MODELLER libraries
environ.dendrogram() -- clustering
environ.principal_components() -- clustering
environ.system() -- execute system command
The energy_data class: objective function parameters
energy_data() -- create a new set of objective function parameters
energy_data.contact_shell -- nonbond distance cutoff
energy_data.update_dynamic -- nonbond recalculation threshold
energy_data.dynamic_sphere -- calculate soft-sphere overlap restraints
energy_data.dynamic_lennard -- calculate Lennard-Jones restraints
energy_data.dynamic_coulomb -- calculate Coulomb restraints
energy_data.dynamic_modeller -- calculate non-bonded spline restraints
energy_data.excl_local -- exclude certain local pairs of atoms
energy_data.radii_factor -- scale atomic radii
energy_data.lennard_jones_switch -- Lennard-Jones switching parameters
energy_data.coulomb_switch -- Coulomb switching parameters
energy_data.relative_dielectric -- relative dielectric
energy_data.covalent_cys -- use disulfide bridges in residue distance
energy_data.nonbonded_sel_atoms -- control interaction with picked atoms
energy_data.nlogn_use -- select non-bond list generation algorithm
The io_data class: coordinate file input parameters
io_data() -- create a new input parameters object
io_data.hetatm -- whether to read HETATM records
io_data.hydrogen -- whether to read hydrogen atoms
io_data.water -- whether to read water molecules
io_data.atom_files_directory -- search path for coordinate files
The libraries class: stereochemical parameters and molecular topology
Modeling residues with non-existing or incomplete entries in the topology and parameter libraries
libraries.topology -- topology library information
libraries.parameters -- parameter library information
topology.append() -- append residue topology library
topology.clear() -- clear residue topology library -- read residue topology library
parameters.append() -- append parameters library
parameters.clear() -- clear parameters library -- read parameters library
topology.make() -- make a subset topology library
topology.submodel -- select topology model type
topology.write() -- write residue topology library
The model class: handling of atomic coordinates, and model building
model() -- create a new 3D model
model.seq_id -- sequence identity between the model and templates
model.restraints -- all restraints which act on the model -- read coordinates for MODEL
model.write() -- write MODEL
model.generate_topology() -- generate MODEL topology
model.patch() -- patch MODEL topology
model.patch_ss_templates() -- guess MODEL disulfides from templates
model.patch_ss() -- guess MODEL disulfides from model structure
model.mutate() -- mutate selected MODEL residues -- build MODEL coordinates from topology
model.unbuild() -- undefine MODEL coordinates
model.transfer_xyz() -- copy templates' coordinates to MODEL
model.res_num_from() -- residue numbers from MODEL2 to MODEL
model.rename_segments() -- rename MODEL segments
model.pick_atoms() -- select atoms in MODEL
model.pick_hot_atoms() -- pick atoms violating restraints
model.randomize_xyz() -- randomize MODEL coordinates
model.to_iupac() -- standardize certain dihedral angles
model.reorder_atoms() -- standardize order of MODEL atoms
model.rotate_dihedrals() -- change dihedral angles
model.orient() -- center and orient MODEL
model.rotate() -- rotate and translate MODEL
model.write_data() -- write derivative MODEL data
model.write_pdb_xref() -- write residue number/index correspondence
model.make_region() -- define a random surface patch of atoms
model.color() -- color MODEL according to alignment
model.superpose() -- superpose MODEL2 on MODEL given alignment
model.make_chains() -- Fetch sequences from PDB file
model.schedule.make() -- create optimization schedule
model.schedule.step -- current optimization schedule step -- read optimization schedule
model.schedule.write() -- write optimization schedule -- evaluate MODEL given restraints
model.optimize() -- optimize MODEL given restraints
model.switch_trace() -- open new optimization trace file
model.debug_function() -- test code self-consistency
model.assess_ga341() -- assess a model with the GA341 method
model.assess_dope() -- assess a model with the DOPE method
Calculation of spatial restraints
Specification of restraints
Specification of pseudo atoms
model.restraints.make() -- make restraints
model.symmetry.define() -- define similar segments
model.restraints.unpick_all() -- unselect all restraints
model.restraints.clear() -- delete all restraints
model.restraints.pick() -- pick restraints for selected atoms
model.restraints.condense() -- remove unselected restraints
model.restraints.add() -- add restraint
model.restraints.unpick() -- unselect restraint
model.restraints.reindex() -- renumber MODEL2 restraints for MODEL
model.restraints.spline() -- approximate restraints by splines
model.restraints.append() -- read spatial restraints
model.restraints.write() -- write spatial restraints
The group_restraints class: restraints on atom groups
group_restraints() -- create a new set of group restraints
group_restraints.append() -- read group restraint parameters
The alignment class: comparison of sequences and structures
Alignment file format
alignment() -- create a new alignment
alignment.append() -- read sequences and/or their alignment
alignment.clear() -- delete all sequences from the alignment
alignment.check() -- check alignment for modeling
alignment.compare_with() -- compare two alignments
alignment.append_model() -- copy model sequence and coordinates to alignment
alignment.append_profile() -- add profile sequences to the alignment
alignment.write() -- write sequences and/or their alignment
alignment.edit() -- edit overhangs in alignment
alignment.describe() -- describe proteins
alignment.id_table() -- calculate percentage sequence identities
alignment.compare_sequences() -- compare sequences in alignment
alignment.align() -- align two (blocks of) sequences
alignment.align2d() -- align sequences with structures
alignment.malign() -- align two or more sequences
alignment.consensus() -- consensus sequence alignment
alignment.compare_structures() -- compare 3D structures given alignment
alignment.align3d() -- align two structures
alignment.malign3d() -- align two or more structures
alignment.salign() -- align two or more sequences/structures of proteins
alignment.to_profile() -- convert alignment to profile format
alignment.expand() -- put all models into alignment
alignment.segment_matching() -- align segments
The profile class: using sequence profiles
profile() -- create a new profile -- read a profile of a sequence
profile.write() -- write a profile
profile.to_alignment() -- profile to alignment
profile.scan() -- Compare a target profile against a database of profiles -- Build a profile for a given sequence or alignment
The sequence_db class: using sequence databases
sequence_db() -- create a new sequence database -- read a database of sequences
sequence_db.write() -- write a database of sequences -- search for similar sequences
sequence_db.filter() -- cluster sequences by sequence-identity
The density class: handling electron microscopy density data
density() -- create a new density map -- read an EM (electron microscopy) density map file
density.grid_search() -- dock a structure into an EM (electron microscopy) density map
The info object: obtaining information about the MODELLER build
info.version -- return the full MODELLER version number
info.version_info -- return the version number, as a tuple
info.build_date -- return the date this binary was built
info.exe_type -- return the executable type of this binary
info.debug -- returns this binary's debug flag
info.time_mark() -- print current date, time, and CPU time
The log object: controlling the amount of output
log.level() -- Set all log output levels
log.minimal() -- display minimal log output
log.verbose() -- display verbose log output
log.very_verbose() -- display verbose log output, and dynamic memory information
The modfile module: handling of files
modfile.default() -- generate an `automatic' filename
modfile.delete() -- delete a file
modfile.inquire() -- check if file exists
Converting TOP scripts from old MODELLER versions
Running old scripts unchanged
Converting TOP scripts to Python
TOP commands and variables
TOP models and alignments
TOP to Python correspondence
Dynamic programming for sequence and structure comparison and searching
Pairwise comparison
Variable gap penalty
Local versus global alignment
Similarity versus distance scores
Multiple comparisons
Optimization of the objective function by MODELLER
Equations used in the derivation of the molecular pdf
Features and their derivatives
Restraints and their derivatives
Flowchart of comparative modeling by MODELLER
Loop modeling method
Ben Webb 2005-06-20