All of the SOAP potentials listed here can be used in IMP (2.2.0 or later) or Modeller (9.13 or later).
soap_pp_atom.hdf5 and soap_pp_pair.hdf5 are distributed with Modeller (in the modlib directory) and can be used with the soap_pp.Assessor class. Equivalently in IMP, soap_score_sas.lib and soap_score.lib store the same data, are distributed with the IMP.score_functor module, and can be used with the IMP.score_functor.SingletonStatistical and IMP.score_functor.Soap classes, respectively.
Sets of training decoys for SOAP-PP: pp_small.tar.gz
Sets of testing decoys for SOAP-PP: pp_small.tar.gz, link to the ZDOCK decoys.
Original script for using SOAP-PP to assess loop structures (requires Modeller and MDT): soap_pp.tar.gz.
SOAP-Loop library file. For use with IMP (2.2.0 or later) or Modeller (9.13 or later).
Sets of training decoys for SOAP-Loop: loop.tar.xz.
Sets of testing decoys for SOAP-Loop: link to PLOP loop decoys.
Original script for using SOAP-Loop to assess loop structures (requires Modeller and MDT): soap_loop.tar.gz.
SOAP-Peptide library file. For use with IMP (2.2.0 or later) or Modeller (9.13 or later).
SOAP-Protein library file. For use with IMP (2.2.0 or later) or Modeller (9.13 or later).
SOAP source code can be found on github. Documentation is also available.