Hi, I'm using triton 2.0beta with modeller 6a on an sgi Octane running irix 6.5.6. I installed according to the instructions but get an error when trying to run modeller. I've tried installing as root to a global system and as a user installing to a personal system but I get the same error. I've tried the example mutagenesis (and some of my own) and always get the following in the OUTPUT STRUCTURE window: calculation finished with error My modeller key is... (op.a.). Can you suggest what is wrong or how to proceed to get it working? Thanks Gary --
Gary J. Hunter
Associate Professor
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry phone : +356 32902917 / 32902916
Biomedical Sciences Building secretary: +356 316655
University of Malta fax : +356 310577
Msida, MSD 06, MALTA email : ghun1@um.edu.mt