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Is there any script/program to convert MODELLER-like restraints files into
XPLOR/CNS NMR-like restraints files? I suspect that QUANTA might have this
but don't have access to it. I am interested in comparing MODELLER's most
rigorous refinement with XPLOR procedures using the same set of restraints.
Has anyone tried this already?

All the best,


| Mensur Dlakic, PhD                    | Tel: (734) 764-3554             |
| Department of Biological Chemistry    | Fax: (734) 615-3397             |
| University of Michigan Medical School | http://www.umich.edu/~mensur/   |
| 5416 Medical Science I                | http://myprofile.cos.com/mensur |
| Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0606              | E-mail: mensur@umich.edu        |