I would like to introduce Lennard-Jones potentials between two different
sets of atoms ((1) all HETATMS and (2) all protein atoms in a 7 A
environment shell around the HETATMs).
Which commands do I have to include into the top file to do this?
Thank you in advance for your answer,
# Andreas Evers #
# #
# Research group for Drug Design & X-ray Crystallography #
# Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry #
# Philipps-University of Marburg #
# Marbacher Weg 6 phone2 +49-6421-28-25072 #
# D-35032 Marburg FAX: +49-6421-28-28994 #
# email: Andreas.Evers@mailer.uni-marburg.de #
# AG-Klebe-Home: http://www.agklebe.de #