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unknown residue type ERROR MESSEGE
I have already written to you about this problem
I have two different problems
I got the error messege read_al_375E> Unknown residue type,position,sequence: 1 7
The alignment is with known residue types with no HETATM int the pdb.
The pdb file exists in the ATOM FILE DIRECTORY.
Moreover, i got this error messege from running modeller on multipal
alignment ,but when i ran each of the single alignments seperately
i got the output model with NO error.
Does modeller check for interactions between the structures in
the multipal alignment ?
2. Some pdb files like pdb1bb9.ent have their sequence like this
ATOM 153 ND1AHIS 30 24.022 -2.877 3.838 0.75 21.59 N
ATOM 154 ND1BHIS 30 24.759 -2.618 2.211 0.25 41.12 N
ATOM 155 CD2AHIS 30 22.589 -1.675 5.037 0.75 17.33 C
ATOM 156 CD2BHIS 30 26.438 -1.699 3.249 0.25 41.31 C
ATOM 157 CE1AHIS 30 23.214 -3.720 4.472 0.75 22.03 C
ATOM 158 CE1BHIS 30 25.847 -3.286 1.875 0.25 41.29 C
ATOM 159 NE2AHIS 30 22.402 -3.021 5.222 0.75 25.04 N
ATOM 160 NE2BHIS 30 26.885 -2.754 2.494 0.25 40.59
modeller does not give output on such templates.
Thank you,