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Re: unknown residue type ERROR MESSEGE


1. I suspect a trivial problem, some file/sequence naming mismatch etc.
This error is not in connections with any checking among input sequnces
in the alignment.. If you cannot find the problem please send me the
whole example.

2. It looks the pdb file is providing alternative solutions for the same
structure or segment. Unfortunately the alternatives indicated as A and
B after the atom types, which results unrecognizable atom types.
Possibly you need to correct the file not only for A or B but to remove
the duplicates.

what happens here is that  in the (probably) very high resolution
structure you can  see different and relatively well defined atom
occupancies in the diffraction map and consequently  all the
alternatives are reported (typically two forms). As you can see in the
8. column, there are 0.75 and 0.25 occupancy values for the two form.
You can circumvent this problem by considering e.g. only the A form
which has a higher occupancy.


sasson iris wrote:
> Hi,
> I have already written to you about this problem
> I have two different problems
> 1.
>   I got the error messege read_al_375E> Unknown residue type,position,sequence:          1        7
>   The alignment is with known residue types with no HETATM int the pdb.
>   The pdb file exists in the ATOM FILE DIRECTORY.
>   Moreover, i got this error messege from running modeller on multipal
>   alignment ,but when i ran each of the single alignments seperately
>   i got the output model with NO error.
>   Does modeller check for interactions between the structures in
>   the multipal alignment ?
> 2. Some pdb files  like pdb1bb9.ent have their sequence like this
> ATOM    153  ND1AHIS    30      24.022  -2.877   3.838  0.75 21.59 N
> ATOM    154  ND1BHIS    30      24.759  -2.618   2.211  0.25 41.12 N
> ATOM    155  CD2AHIS    30      22.589  -1.675   5.037  0.75 17.33 C
> ATOM    156  CD2BHIS    30      26.438  -1.699   3.249  0.25 41.31 C
> ATOM    157  CE1AHIS    30      23.214  -3.720   4.472  0.75 22.03 C
> ATOM    158  CE1BHIS    30      25.847  -3.286   1.875  0.25 41.29 C
> ATOM    159  NE2AHIS    30      22.402  -3.021   5.222  0.75 25.04 N
> ATOM    160  NE2BHIS    30      26.885  -2.754   2.494  0.25 40.59
>    modeller does not give output on such templates.
> Thank you,
> Iris.

Andras Fiser, PhD            # phone: (212) 327 7216
The Rockefeller University   # fax:   (212) 327 7540 
Box 270, 1230 York Avenue    # e-mail:fisera@rockefeller.edu
New York, NY 10021-6399, USA # http://salilab.org/~andras