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Re: Modeller6v2 installation problem
Make sure that user huw has admin privileges. Also run it under 10.1.5.,
because that's where I tested the script.
Other then that I have no idea what's could be wrong. Everything seems fine
to me.
Good luck,
> Bozidar,
> Here is the logfile on trying to run your Modeller6v2 install script on
> a Mac OSX machine. It does not seem to work. I expect I am doing
> something _really_ stupid, but any thoughts you have as to what is going
> wrong would be much appreciated. Thanks!
> Huw
> PS I'm certain I ran it under tcsh
> logfile follows (sorry if it gets garbled) :
> ________________________________
> [besserm5:~] huw% cd desktop/modeller6v2
> [besserm5:~/desktop/modeller6v2] huw% ./Install
> Installation of MODELLER6v2
> This script will install MODELLER6v2 into a specified directory for
> which you have read/write permissions. It will also install the current
> user as a MODELLER6v2 user. To allow other users running MODELLER6v2,
> you need to follow instructions at the end of this script or in the
> This installation will modify your login script, but only after you
> agree to it explicitly. The original login script will be backed up.
> Your login shell needs to be csh, tcsh or a compatible shell.
> You can generally find your current shell by typing 'echo $shell'.
> If your login shell is not csh compatible, exit now (ctrl-c), edit the
> scripts/logscript.template file to comply with your shell or change your
> login shell to csh or tcsh, and then run this installation script again.
> To accept the default answers indicated in [...], press <Enter> only.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The currently supported architectures are as follows:
> 1) Linux PC (e.g. RedHat, SuSe).
> 2) SUN Inc. Solaris workstation.
> 3) Silicon Graphics Inc. IRIX workstation.
> 4) DEC Inc. Alpha OSF/1 workstation.
> 5) Linux PC (Mandrake).
> 6) IBM AIX OS.
> 7) Apple Mac OS X.
> Select the type of your computer from the list above [1]: 7
> Full directory name for the installed MODELLER6v2
> [/Users/huw/bin/modeller6v2]:
> There is no such directory; it will be created.
> Full file name of your login script [/Users/huw/.cshrc]:
> There is no such file; it will be created.
> KEY_MODELLER6v2, obtained from our academic license server at
> http://salilab.org/modeller/registration.shtml:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The following settings will be used:
> The type of this machine : 7
> Destination installation directory: /Users/huw/bin/modeller6v2
> The name of the login script : /Users/huw/.cshrc
> If they are incorrect, abort installation (ctrl-c) and run Install
> again. No changes to your system have been made yet. Installation
> involves:
> 1. The destination installation directory will be deleted and then
> created from scratch.
> 2. The login script will be backed up and then modified.
> Press <Enter> to begin the installation:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Running make install ... ./Install: command not found: make [143]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Editing the login script /Users/huw/.cshrc ... find:
> /Users/huw/bin/modeller6v2: No such file or directory find:
> /Users/huw/bin/modeller6v2: No such file or directory
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If you have problems with installation, please see the INSTALLATION
> file.
> MODELLER6v2 documentation in the PDF and HTML formats can be found in
> the /Users/huw/bin/modeller6v2/doc directory.
> A simple homology modeling test case is in examples/tutorial-model/.
> To complete instalation of MODELLER6v2, please type now source
> /Users/huw/.cshrc
> To allow other users on this system to use MODELLER6v2, please include
> the following lines into their login script:
> ### begin MODELLER6v2
> ######################################################
> setenv MODINSTALL6v2 /Users/huw/bin/modeller6v2
> setenv EXECUTABLE_TYPE6v2 macx-absoft
> setenv LIBS_LIB6v2 $MODINSTALL6v2/modlib/libs.lib
> setenv KEY_MODELLER6v2 XXX
> alias mod mod6v2 set path=($path $MODINSTALL6v2/bin)
> limit stacksize unlimited
> ### end MODELLER6v2
> ########################################################
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Happy modeling! MODELLER Team, 2002
"...when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you."
Friedrich Nietzsche