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Re: <no subject>

I wrote Installation script for tcsh. Bash definitions are little bit


> Dear Bozidar,
> Thanks for your answer. Currently, I´m using bash as shell not cshrc
> because is the default shell in Linux. But I will try to install the
> soft using the cshrc. However, I have checked the .bashrc file and
> the "export" and "$PATH" are fine.
> Regards, 
>> It's probably permissions problem. It's hard to guess. I suggest
> erase the
>> current installation, and install locally as user. Make sure to source
>> .cshrc file...
>> Good luck,
>> Bozidar
>>> Dear Bozidar,
>>> I have installed the software in a PIII 700 (256 RAM) running
> Slackware
>>> Linux but I have got problems running modeller with not root user. I
>>> have received the following:
>>> ?FORTRAN Runtime Error:
>>> ?Bab file specification
>>> ?OPEN(UNIT=11....
>>> However, with root user I haven't received any error and I have
> installed
>>> the soft as user as root but I received the same error. Where is the
>>> problem?
>>> Regards,
>> -- 
>> Bozidar Yerkovich, PhD
>> Rockefeller University
>> New York, NY, 10021, USA
>> 212-327-7206
>> bozidar@salilab.org
>> http://salilab.org/modeller
> Fernando Gabriel Ranea
> fgranea@microbiologia.org.ar
> http://www.microbiologia.org.ar

Bozidar Yerkovich, PhD
Rockefeller University
New York, NY, 10021, USA