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RE: [modeller_usage] modeling a dimer

Yes, you can. The only difference is chain breaks are listed in the
alignment with a "/" (not a "|").

Eswar Narayanan, Ph.D
Mission Bay Genentech Hall
600 16th Street, Suite N474Q
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143-2240 (CA 94158 for courier)
Tel +1 (415) 514-4233; Fax +1 (415) 514-4231

-----Original Message-----
From: modeller_usage-bounces@salilab.org
[">mailto:modeller_usage-bounces@salilab.org] On Behalf Of Rao, Guru
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 6:03 AM
To: modeller_usage@salilab.org
Subject: [modeller_usage] modeling a dimer


I am working with a protein which we have characterized to be a dimer.
Homologous proteins are also dimers and the 3D structures are of the dimeric
forms. In these proteins, the amino acid sequence of the dimer is
represented as A and B chains. Can I model my protein as a dimer by
arranging my sequence as A and B chains with a " | " in between? Would
appreciate some thoughts. Thanks,

Guru Rao

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