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[modeller_usage] FORTRAN runtime errors...and more

Hello, I'm Matthias!
I have more then one question, so far:
- How do I use the "user_after_singel_model" subroutine, for ex. to
compare the model with an X-ray
    structure? Can you send me a sort of top.script, or at least, can
you someone give me a hint?
- Further,  can you please check my top.script , please? I can't
undestand why it sometimes doesn't        work (.. it clashed more than
once... and it appeared the message:
        FORTRAN runtime error:
        INQUIRE(UNIT=/usr/bin/mod6v2: line 38: 25355 segmentation fault
                (core dumped) $nice  ${executable}  $STEERF  >$LOGF
    Can you explain me, what this mean?
- I have some problems, in loop modelling, regard DEFINE_SYMMETRY.. my
loops almost often             aren't symmetric.. how can i solve it ..
is it enough to call the 'def_sym' routine and fix SEG1
&                 SEG2?
- At last but not least, how can i eliminate the error: "Array too
small. Increase MPAIRS"
or "Array too small. Increase MAXATM",
   and what's the reason for it?

I know i'm askingyou a lot, but i hope someone  can help me.....

 Matthias Negri
Diploma Student in Medicinal Chemistry
at University of Bologna

P.S. i send you my tops: job.top --> JOB_28_125.pir, prova2.top,  
                                               try.top -->  Thias1.pir, 

Attachment: Job.top
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Job1.pir
Description: Binary data

Attachment: prova2.top
Description: Binary data

Attachment: try.top
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Thias1.pir
Description: Binary data