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Re: [modeller_usage] Fwd: homology-based secondary structure modelling

> > > field and i'm having trouble finding resources to obtain computer
> > > programs/software for homology-based secondary structure modelling. 
> > > can you give me some advice on where i can obtain
> > > such software?  in specific, i'm hoping to be able to find a program
> > > that can model a rpotein
> > > whose primary structure is unknown.

MODELLER is certainly the right tool for what you are looking for. 

  However, before you can use it, you need a good structural template to start 
with, which may be difficult to find if your target protein has only low 
sequence homology to structures that are available in the PDB

  I found the following two servers helpful for this task, and they may also 
give you already an answer in what concerns your protein's secondary 

  The Fugue search against the Homstrad database is quite useful and 


  Then there is the more general meta-server at BIOINFO.PL which queries a 
large number of threading servers (including Fugue):


  But the output is much more extensive and thus more difficult to explore.

  I hope this helps, kind regards, 

  Karsten Suhre, IGS-CNRS, Marseille, France.