Dear friends,
I have a pdb file containing coordinates for a complex
of two subunits: subunits 1 in chain A and subunits 2 in chain B
chain C and D contains fragments of another molecule that I don't care.
I want to model in the same time a molecule 1 on chain A and a molecule 2 on
chain B so to build a model of the complex molecule1-molucule2 on the complex
of the two subunits in the pdb file.
In which way I have to write down align file?
Tanks a lot
"Raffiniert ist der Herr Gott,
aber boshaft ist Er nicht."
Dr. Edoardo Saccenti
CERM Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research Center
Scientific Pole - University of Florence
Via Luigi Sacconi n° 6
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
tel: +39 055 4574193
fax: +39 055 4574253