Dear Modeller users
For my research the parameter which i should consider for the best model is from the evaluated program such as PROSA PROCHECK or Verify3D. For Procheck , i use the model which give a quaility of model within >80% core regions. That i used in my project so if any recomments for my research please contact me.
Mr. JItrayut Jitonnom
Chiang Mai University
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 21:41:42 -0200
Subject: [modeller_usage] How to choose the best model?
Dear Modeller users,
I'm generating diverses models to my protein (400 - is this to great?).
However I don't know how is the best parameter to look when choosing the best
model. Objective function from Modeller, ProCheck parameters, Energy
parameters... What parameters you use and why? If using Ramachandran plot as a
discriminative parameter, how great must be the parameters calculated (for
example: >90% in favored regions,