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[modeller_usage] Re: modeller_usage Digest, Vol 4, Issue 107

helllo all
i have a doubt in this context. while modelling the first model has a least energy what is the necessity for modelling  20 or 50 structures

modeller_usage-request@salilab.org wrote:
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Today's Topics:

1. restrain beta strands and plates (Arnout Voet)
2. RE: How many models to generate? (Frederico Arnoldi)
3. Re: RE: How many models to generate? (Charlotte Habegger-Polomat)
4. Re: max number of optima in resdih.lib (Modeller Caretaker)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 13:53:24 +0100
Subject: [modeller_usage] restrain beta strands and plates
To: modeller_usage@salilab.org
Message-ID: <1133528004.439043c4d754d@webmail1.kuleuven.be>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

dear modellers
i have met a problem in my scripting to restrain the secondary structure
element beta sheet beta strand.
For alpha helices it works and i see an influence on the modelled
structure , however for sheets it does not work and i get the same model
with or without the restraining in the script.

Could somebody pleez help me with the exact restraining of it

kind regards

arnout voet
phd student biochemistry

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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 13:22:38 +0000
From: "Frederico Arnoldi" <FREDGCA@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: [modeller_usage] RE: How many models to generate?
To: modeller_usage@salilab.org
Message-ID: <BAY112-F1566C2780DC39D64D3B875BF4C0@PHX.GBL>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed

Hello Charlotte Habegger-Polomat,

I am not an expert modeller user, but what I can "share" about it?
I think the number of models generated depends on available time and
computational power you have to carry it. I usually generate between 100 and
200, and select that model with the lowest "current energy".
Probably somebody could discuss it better, anyway, I tried ;)

Frederico Arnoldi
UNESP - Rio Claro - Brazil

>Dear Modeller users,
>I was wondering if others would share how many structures you usually
>generate for a family of models.
>I am currently working on modelling my protein of interest with 3 known
>template structures (>30% sequence similarity). When using Modeller, I
>generate a family of 20 models and then evaluate the variability and
>quality of models within the family.
>How many do other Modeller users generate?
>How do you decide on this number?
>I've read articles where 3 models, others where 30 models were generated
>with Modeller...
>-Charlotte Habegger-Polomat


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 10:37:18 -0500
From: Charlotte Habegger-Polomat <CHPOLOMA@RSVS.ULAVAL.CA>
Subject: Re: [modeller_usage] RE: How many models to generate?
To: modeller_usage@salilab.org
Message-ID: <43906A2E.7090503@rsvs.ulaval.ca>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hello Frederico Arnoldi!

Thanks for your answer...I have been generating 20 models for my protein
of interest, and after evaluating the variability within the family of
models, I select one or more models to work with.

This reminds me that I have only an "approximation" of my structure, and
also allows me to retain some variability. I then work with these models
as one would work with a family of NMR structures.

Does anyone else use more than one model to work with after generating a
family with Modeller?

Thank you!

-Charlotte Habegger-Polomat

Frederico Arnoldi wrote:

> Hello Charlotte Habegger-Polomat,
> I am not an expert modeller user, but what I can "share" about it?
> I think the number of models generated depends on available time and
> computational power you have to carry it. I usually generate between
> 100 and 200, and select that model with the lowest "current energy".
> Probably somebody could discuss it better, anyway, I tried ;)
> Frederico Arnoldi
> UNESP - Rio Claro - Brazil


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 10:50:59 -0800
From: Modeller Caretaker <MODELLER-CARE@SALILAB.ORG>
Subject: Re: [modeller_usage] max number of optima in resdih.lib
To: Luis Gracia <LUG2002@MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Cc: modeller_usage@salilab.org
Message-ID: <43909793.2030905@salilab.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Luis Gracia wrote:
> Hi! I need to modify the rotamer definitions in resdih.lib, but I get
> the following error when adding 4 entries to a residue.
> _modeller.error: rdrdih__223E> Internal error: array too small: MDIHOPT
> current maximum, current need: 4 4
> This is the line that creates the error:
> CA CB CG OD1 4 0.516 0.194 0.161 0.129 -11.9 69.4
> -67.6 154.8 12.5 11.1 23.3 25.7 -180 -90 -90 0 0 90 90 180
> using only 3 optima values doesn't give any error. Is there a limit in
> the maximum number of optima? This info is part of the output but I
> don't know if its a limit or the number found:
> Maximal number of dihedral angle optima: 3

Yes - unfortunately there is a hard-coded limit of 3 optima. This will
be removed in the next release of Modeller, but for the time being, you
are restricted to 3.

Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
modeller-care@salilab.org http://www.salilab.org/modeller/
Modeller mail list: http://salilab.org/mailman/listinfo/modeller_usage


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End of modeller_usage Digest, Vol 4, Issue 107

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