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[modeller_usage] How to include alignment to model_symmetry_define()
Hi Modellers,
I need to obtain loop conformation distributions in a tetramer structure. So I
used loopmodel() to redefine the 4 loops in each subunit. I found that the 4
loops in each tetramer is not symmetrical. I therefore applied
model_symmetry_define() in order to fix them the same during the optimisation.
Here I have a question. The code I have used is at
However, in define_symmetry-3.atm file, the structure looks very bizarre. It has
lost its secondary structure elements and 4 loops are not symmetrical at all.
So I tried to add the sequence alignment between the loop model and the
template. I cannot work out the python code. Could some one kindly have a look
what I have done wrongly please.
Here is the code:
# Example for: model.symmetry.define()
# This will force two copies of RCK4 to have similar mainchain
# conformation.
log.level(1, 1, 1, 1, 0)
env = environ()
#env.io.atom_files_directory = 'xxx'
env.io.atom_files_directory = '.'
def defsym(lop, aln, seg1, seg2):
for (set, seg) in [(2, seg1), (3, seg2)]:
lop.pick_atoms(aln, pick_atoms_set=set, selection_segment=seg,
atom_types='All', selection_status='INITIALIZE',
lop.symmetry.define(symmetry_weight=1.0, add_symmetry=(True, False))
# Generate two copies of a segment:
lop = model(env, file='model-nam', model_segment=('1:A', '110:D'))
aln = alignment(env)
aln.append_model(lop, align_codes='model-nam', atom_files='tmp-nam')
aln.append_model(lop, align_codes='model-nam'+'_ini',
lop.generate_topology(aln, sequence='model-nam'+'_ini')
lop.build(initialize_xyz=False, build_method='INTERNAL_COORDINATES')
#lop.rename_segments(segment_ids=('A', 'B')) #, renumber_residues=(1, 1))
myedat = energy_data(dynamic_sphere = False)
# Define the two segments (chains in this case) to be identical:
defsym(lop, aln, seg1=('39:A', '49:A'), seg2=('39:B', '49:B'))
# Make them identical by optimizing the initial randomized structure
# without any other restraints:
lop.optimize(max_iterations=300, edat=myedat)
# Now optimize with stereochemical restraints so that the
# result is not so distorted a structure (still distorted
# because optimization is not thorough):
myedat.dynamic_sphere = True
lop.restraints.make(aln, restraint_type='stereo', spline_on_site=False,
for method in (1, 3, 1): # 1 = conjugate gradients, 3 = molecular dynamics
lop.optimize(max_iterations=300, md_return='FINAL', edat=myedat,
optimization_method=method, output='REPORT')
# Create a blank alignment so that superpose uses its 1:1 default
aln = alignment(env)
lop = model(env, file='define_symmetry-3.atm', model_segment=('39:A', '49:A'))
lop2 = model(env, file='define_symmetry-3.atm', model_segment=('39:B', '49:B'))
lop.pick_atoms(aln, atom_types='All')
lop.superpose(lop2, aln)
Also, what does aln.append_model(lop, align_codes='model-nam'+'_ini',
atom_files='tmp-nam'+'_ini') mean?
The erro message by executing the above .py file is:
"_modeller.error: transfe_682E> Structural information is not available for all
sequences in the alignment. Aborting."
Thank you very much.