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Dear modeller,
I was using still modeller 4 (just to complete one work that I was
I have one problem, I m building a model using 7 templates (I made a
structural alignment that I am using to build my model).
Everything works fine...
except that for one situation (so my input file top and ali are
correspondent, except the sequence that I have to model... like you can

and I have this message:

mkspline_E> too many parameters, increase MPRMCNS

if I remove one template it works fine...

what does it mean this message? how can I still use 7 templates?



Luca Settimo
Molecular Structures and Biocomputing
Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacy
Åbo Akademi University Tykistökatu 6A 20520 Turku Finland
phone: +358 (0) 2 2154600
fax: +358 (0) 2 2153280
mobile phone: +358 50 5238418