The alignment probably aligns residues in known structures that are
quite far in space, requiring a lot of memory for the splines to
describe the corresponding multi-modal gaussian functions (this is
probably the same problem that was discussed here last week or so). The
solution is to improve the alignment (by only aligning residues that can
be aligned close in space; close meaning about 5A or better; and not
aligning residues that are further apart); possibly, MODELLER6v1 is a
little less stingy with memory assignment for splines, so maybe it would
work on your current alignment.
Best wishes, Andrej
Andrej Sali, Associate Professor
The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021-6399
tel +1 212 327 7550; lab +1 212 327 7206 ; fax +1 212 327 7540
-----Original Message-----
[">] On Behalf Of Luca
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 9:45 AM
To: 'Modeller Usage List'
Subject: mkspline_E
Dear modeller,
I was using still modeller 4 (just to complete one work that I was
I have one problem, I m building a model using 7 templates (I made a
structural alignment that I am using to build my model). Everything
works fine... except that for one situation (so my input file top and
ali are correspondent, except the sequence that I have to model... like
you can
and I have this message:
mkspline_E> too many parameters, increase MPRMCNS
if I remove one template it works fine...
what does it mean this message? how can I still use 7 templates?
Luca Settimo
Molecular Structures and Biocomputing
Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacy
Åbo Akademi University Tykistökatu 6A 20520 Turku Finland
phone: +358 (0) 2 2154600
fax: +358 (0) 2 2153280
mobile phone: +358 50 5238418