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Re: criteria for best template....after comparison of many structures

Hello Gowtham, 

you may want to consult one of the many recent reviews from Sali or the
following paper 
from Sanzhez and Sali


gowthaman ramasamy wrote:
> hello fellow modellers....
> im trying to automate modeller to model some 200 proteins. i could generate a
> script which selects the the group of template. and my compare.top compares all
> these templates and produces the output file called compare.log.
> BUT  I DONT know what criteria i should use to select the best template out of the
> bunch.  i attached my
> compare.top
> compare.log
> files with this mail.(as compar.tar)   ..can any one help me ......... what
> information  i should look in  LOG file to select best template(s). if it is
> dendrogram..... how to do it...
> many thanx in advance
> gowtham
> graduate student
> New Delhi
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                  Name: compar.tar
>    compar.tar    Type: Unix Tape Archive (application/x-tar)
>              Encoding: base64

Andras Fiser, PhD            # phone: (212) 327 7216
The Rockefeller University   # fax:   (212) 327 7540 
Box 270, 1230 York Avenue    # e-mail:fisera@rockefeller.edu
New York, NY 10021-6399, USA # http://salilab.org/~andras