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[modeller_usage] Modeller7v7 on Fedora core 2

Dear  Ben Webb and Modeller users,

I installed modeller7v7 on my Fedora core 2 linux using modeller-7v7-1.rpm. When I tried to run a .top file which I used for modeller6v2, I got following error message. Could you give me some hints please?
Thank you for your help.



Kind, OS, HostName, Kernel, Processor: 4, Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.5-1.358 i686
Date and time of compilation         : 09/14/2004 11:06:39
Job starting time (YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS): 2005/03/13  23:31:37.084

rdactio_534E> Command not recognized:
recover____E> ERROR_STATUS >= STOP_ON_ERROR:        1       1

Dynamically allocated memory at finish [B,kB,MB]: 56755 55.425 0.054 Starting time : 2005/03/13 23:31:37.084 Closing time : 2005/03/13 23:31:38.334
Total CPU time [seconds]                                 :       1.22


Xiao-Ping Zhang, PhD
Section of Microbiology
Division of Biological Sciences
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA95616

Phone: 530-7523016 (lab); 530-2975280 (home)
Fax:     530-7529014
e-mail: xpzhang@ucdavis.edu