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[modeller_usage] heme moiety of CYP450

Hi all,

I am modelling a cytochrome and want to make a model with the heme heteroatoms in the model. I have been superimposing a heme from one of the templates but this doesn't work when I go to relax my model. I also see that Modeller can model heteroatoms but I cannot find a script that works, ie. when I put the command HETATM_IO = 1 or even on or zero (can't remember off hand which command is correct. Modeller goes ahead and builds models but without the heme moiety. Does anyone have a script that works for Modeller v6.3. I've already tried the one in the manual.

Brian O'Mahony
Institut Municipal de Investigació Mèdica (IMIM)
Pharmacology Research Unit
Dr. Aiguader, 80
E-08003 Barcelona, Spain
Tel:  +34 - 93 225 25 97
E-mail: ">mailto:bomahony@imim.es
Web: http//www.imim.es