Hi Andrej We have docked a small peptide on the active site of protease molecule, now want to perform structural refinement and energy minimization. Can OPTIMIZE command of modeller do that or implementation of any energy minimizer is needed. Kindly note, OPTIMIZE successfully eliminate all short non-bonded contacts and improved stereochemical parameters of the initial enz-inhibitor complex.. Secondly, is it obligatory to use minimizer during these type of work. Advise please. Regards Kamran Azim

Dear Kamran!
Replying to your question:...
> We have docked a small peptide on the active site of protease > molecule, now want to perform structural refinement and energy > minimization. Can OPTIMIZE command of modeller do that or > implementation of any energy minimizer is needed.
Yes, as soon as you build an initial model, you can OPTIMIZE it with available scoring functions (make sure you set DYNAMIC_LENNARD = ON, and others - OFF).
> Kindly note, OPTIMIZE successfully eliminate all short non-bonded > contacts and improved stereochemical parameters of the initial > enz-inhibitor complex.. > Secondly, is it obligatory to use minimizer during these type of > work.
By default, OPTIMIZE uses minimizer or MD, depending on
OPTIMIZATION_METHOD = 1 selects a conjugate gradients optimization method. OPTIMIZATION_METHOD = 3 selects a molecular dynamics optimization at a fixed temperature.
Please read more about in in the manual.
Thank you for choosing MODELLER not only as a comparative modelling tool, but also as a general refinement engine.
> Advise please. > Regards > Kamran Azim
-- - Dr. Azat Badretdinov - The Rockefeller Univ, Box 270 - 1230 York Ave, New York NY 10021, USA - Phone: (212) 327 7206 - Fax: (212) 327 7540 - E-mail: azat@salilab.org - WWW/URL: http://salilab.org/~azat
participants (2)
Azat Badretdinov