Dear Modeller creators,
Hello, Modeller is one of state-of-the-art homology modeling software
and I have already used several years to model three-dimensional structures.
Recently, I have a question about modeller result file (pdb file). I
would like to use an example to illustrate my question.
I used Modeller to model a sequence in UniProt (UniProt Accesion: Q04721),
and I only used parts of sequence to model (from 414 to 532), and I want
to get the final three-dimensional structures file (pdb file) which the
first amino acid number still start with 414 and the last amino acid
number is 532. But in fact the first amino acid number in the final pdb
file start with 1 (see figure below, GLU's position is 1, but it is 414 in
I could write a script to map it manually, but it is very
inconvenience, so could modeller (or module in modeller) realize this ?