The new version of Modeller, 9.12, is now available for download! Please see the download page at http://salilab.org/modeller/ for more information.
If you have a license key for Modeller 8 or 9, there is no need to reregister for Modeller 9.12 - the same license key will work. (It won't do any harm to reregister if you want to, though!)
9.12 is primarily a bugfix release relative to the last public release (9.11). Major user-visible changes include:
# Modeller is now only supported on Mac OS X 10.6 or later. If you want to run Modeller on older OS X releases, use Modeller 9.11.
# alignment.align(), alignment.salign() and alignment.align2d() now attempt to keep chain breaks aligned when aligning multi-chain sequences. This behavior can be tuned with the break_break_bonus parameter.
# alignment.edit() has a new by_chain parameter; if set, overhangs are removed for each chain in multi-chain alignments.
# Align codes (identifiers of sequences in alignment objects) can now be of any length. (Codes in profile and sequence_db objects are still limited to 40 characters.)
# Modeller now matches residues in PDB files using both name and ATOM/HETATM indicator; previously just the name was used. This allows for correctly reading PDB files containing amino acid ligands, for example (they were previously forcibly mapped to ATOM on output).
# Added support for Python 3.3.
See the Modeller manual for a full change log: http://salilab.org/modeller/9.12/manual/node39.html
If you encounter bugs in Modeller 9.12, please see http://salilab.org/modeller/9.12/manual/node10.html for information on how to report them.
Note: you are receiving this email either because you subscribed to the modeller_usage mailing list, or you provided this address when you requested a Modeller license and you ticked the "notify me of new releases" box. In the latter case, if you no longer wish to receive announcements of new Modeller releases, simply reply to this email and let us know.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
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Modeller Caretaker