I am so far using a distance restraint, which is satisfy if the
particules are below the distance, down to 0, ie contact. Is that
correct? Then what is the point of the std_dev if it is anything below
distance that score lowest?
So far, my code is something like
<Restraint name="mydist" distance="10" std_dev="1">
<Particle id="prt1"/>
<Particle id="prt2"/>
However, I would like to have a function with a minimal score if the
particules are at the give distance, with some stdev. I probably need
to use the DistancePairScore function. But how to do that in XML format?
Thanks for IMP and the support
Damien Devos
Center of Organismal Studies
Im Neuenheimer Feld 230
69120 Heidelberg, Germany